Walking Tours
9:30AM - 11:30AM
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Join us on this historic guided walk along Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, leading our way from the Old Windmill Tower to The Inchcolm Hotel. Your tour guide, Ian Tomlinson from Brisbane Open House, will take you on a journey tracking down Wickham Terrace, exploring the incredible early and modern history of this terrace.

Get an insight into the history of the Old Windmill and Reservoirs. Take in the city views from the top of Jacob’s Ladder and King Edward Park. Your guide will then take you through the history of the WW2 Air Raid Shelters and speak to Craigston, Holy Spirit Hospital, Lauriston, Ballow Chambers, 109-113, 101 and 97 Wickham Terrace. Arriving at the corner of Wickham and Edward Streets, you will discover more about Wickham Terrace Car park, City Tabernacle and United Service Club Queensland.


TOUR STARTS @ 9:30AM – 11:30AM

  • Meeting point – Old windmill Tower, 226 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill at 9:30AM
  • Guided Tour with Ian Tomlinson, Brisbane Open House
  • Tour concludes Brisbane Clinic / Inchcolm end 11:30AM

Max 20 participants. Strictly limited capacity.


  • Old Windmill & Reservoirs
  • Top of Jacobs Ladder, King Edward Park
  • Wickham Park – Bus / WW2 Air Raid Shelters
  • Craigston, Holy Spirit Hospital, Wickham Terrace, Lauriston, Ballow Chambers, 109-113, 101 and 97 Wickham Terrace
  • Wickham Terrace: Wickham Terrace Car Park, City Tabernacle and United Service Club Queensland

See our cancellation policy.

Have questions? Contact us please.


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