Lindy Johnson, Director, Lindy Johnson Creative

Lindy is the Director of design-focused communications agency Lindy Johnson Creative. The agency provides strategic communications, marketing, business development and publicity and media services to leading architecture and design firms in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Lindy is a former political advisor with 35 years’ experience working at senior levels of government and industry advocating for artists, architects and designers. She has won many awards for her impactful work, most recently a 2024 Australian Institute of Architects’ President’s Award for design advocacy. Lindy is a Good Design Australia Ambassador and is on the Advisory Board of Bond University’s Abedian School of Architecture. 

Marianne Taylor – The House Detective

Marianne Taylor is “The House Detective”, an architectural historian who specialises in investigating the history of houses and the people who lived there. With an extensive background in heritage conservation and management, she also provides consultancy services in these areas and is a past President of the Brisbane Branch of the National Trust of Australia (Queensland). Marianne was previously the recipient of the Lord Mayor’s Helen Taylor Research Award for her Brisbane Retro project, which involved researching and recording surviving “as built” examples of post-war houses. This culminated in a successful exhibition and e-book and to an ongoing obsession with houses of the 1950s, 60s and 70s.  Marianne seeks to promote the appreciation and conservation of our built heritage.

Robert Allen – Writer and Historian

Writer and historian Robert Allen has a passion for writing, history and storytelling. He has held senior policy, ministerial and media advisor positions and managed the corporate communications and stakeholder engagement for several of Queensland’s largest transport infrastructure projects. He is an excellent communicator and a published author of several sporting, social and industrial histories.

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Header image: Courtesy of The House Detective