Photography Release Form

  • (insert description)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    (insert date)
  • (insert name)
  • (insert email)
  • (insert address)

  • For parents/legal guardians of children (if applicable)
    1. Declare that I am the parent/legal guardian of the following child or children (collectively, “the Children”)
    2. Permit Brisbane Open House to record my images (still or moving) and/or voice via digital and/or photographic means.
    3. Brisbane Open House and its successors will retain copyright and will own all results and proceeds derived from the use of any such images and/or recordings.
    As such Brisbane Open House will have the right to:
    a. Reproduction of any advertising and /or publicity use.
    b. Reproduction by any present or future means.
    c. Exhibit them in print, radio, television and electronic and in or by any other present or future media, for profit or otherwise and for commercial and/or non-commercial purposes.
    4. I waive any claims for payment by way of fees, royalties or remuneration for the use of images and/or recording.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.